What's In The Sea?


 Price does not include SHIPPING.

• Original, Educational, and Fun songs about
marine life and ocean ecology!   
• Produced in cooperation with the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, and the Sea Grant Depositories  
• Lyrics approved by Dr. Sharon Walker of the
Mississippi / Alabama Sea Grant Depository

A Whale Vacation PLAY
The Smallest Plants & Animals PLAY
Some Fish Swim In Schools PLAY
Green Bay - Estuary PLAY
The Emperor Penguins Picnic PLAY
Mama Manatee PLAY
S.C.U.B.A. Machine PLAY
The Little Tiger Shark PLAY
At The Bottom Of The Sea PLAY
Pinniped Polka PLAY
Predator/Prey PLAY
What Can I Do About Pollution? PLAY
Dancing Dolphins PLAY
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